Magic Happens at Disney World

We had an amazing vacation at Walt Disney World and instead of doing one massively long vacation post, I decided to break it down into the highlights. And boy was this ever a highlight! Our first family trip to Disney World was amazing. Every bit as precious and magical as I could have ever imagined. We didn’t have a single meltdown, other than mine in the ticket line, and the weather was gorgeous.
We arrived to Magic Kingdom just a few minutes after the park opened. We had hoped to get there early to see the opening show, but realized that the park opened an hour early for Disney hotel residents. Since we didn’t stay on property we couldn’t get in early and therefore missed the show. No big deal, there was lots to see!
Our priorities were to ride Dumbo, ride Splash Mountain (sans baby), see The Dapper Dans, and see the Electrical Parade. We achieved all of that and then some! We used the fastpass system wherever it was available and hardly waited more than 10 minutes in any line (with the exception of Dumbo which is why we did it first).
If I had to guess, I would say that Oscar’s favorites were the teacups and the splash yard at Donald’s Boat in Toon Town. He also LOVED the Electrical Parade and the Main Street Marching Band.
I forgot about the somewhat scary drop in complete darkness at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean and that scared Oscar a little but he recovered quickly when they started singing. He was so cute when he got scared though! He just tensed up and squeezed my hand! Honestly, my mother-heart melted. If I could just replay that moment over and over I would. It was SO sweet.
Oscar napped a little bit and was ready for action when he woke up. We let him run free in the splash yard and he had a blast! If you have a minute to watch the video, I guarantee you will smile. Pure unadulterated glee.
The only downside to the trip was when we were waiting to load onto the Winnie the Pooh ride and I was holding Oscar during a massive diaper breech. In layman’s terms, that means he peed ALL over me. We finished the ride and went to change him immediately as we came prepared. I however, had to walk it out until my pee soaked clothes could dry. Ah motherhood. So very worth it.
The star of the show of course was Mickey Mouse and Oscar pointed out every single one he could find! Toward the end of the day, we sprang for a Mickey balloon which was our saving grace when patience wore thin as we were waiting for the parade to start. By the end of the day, it was 9:30pm and Oscar was laughing in his car-seat all the way back to the hotel. Just like Magic.